But, today, I wanted to ponder a thought that I heard in church this past Sunday. Why do people have a magic age of retirement in our country? It seems to be what people work towards. The Pastor said, "Is that really your goal? To work for 40 years and then just sit back and go on cruises and collect seashells?" He went on to ask the question if this is a godly goal? I am far, far, FAR!! away from the age of retirement, but even people in my decade say things like, "I want to be retired by the time I'm 40." What a waste of talent and intelligence. After a lifetime of learning, through life experience and other educations, why would we hang up a whole generation of the fullest minds in our world? Just because they have reached the age of retirement?
I admire people who, after retirement, take on a new endeavor. I've heard of a lady who took up running at 83, and others in their "retirement" years who go back to University to learn a new trade after society says they should stop doing their last one. There was a man in his 70s who joked about continuing to race because once he hit 60, and was still running, he was almost guaranteed to get first in his age class - every single time! I might not be first in my class at 36 (ever!) but if I keep it up then by the time I hit 70, I'll be the winner!!
Recently, we have started watching the TV show "Betty White's Off Their Rockers!" What a fun bunch! As of today, Betty White is 91 years and 12 days. She looks about 70 and she acts about 18! She is one fun lady who hasn't let age slow her down.
I don't quite know why this topic struck such a chord this week. Perhaps it's because my sister is on the verge of a milestone birthday. Perhaps it's because I think back to all that my parents had already accomplished by the time they were in their mid-30s, like I am, and I wonder if I've done even half that much!
Whatever stage you are in, the Bible tells us we need to be thankful for what we have and where we are at. I don't dwell on the past because that's not the direction I am going. There are verses in the Bible that I cling to in different stages of my life, or depending on a certain situation, they comfort me. But, there is one full chapter of the Bible that I could hear over and over again. The words of Philippians 4 are so encouraging and inspiring that I often just play this chapter on my audio Bible (on my phone) to kick start my day.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Phil. 4:4
Read the whole chapter HERE